
Donnerstag, der 15. Juli 2010
Der Topbalken
Another special day:

An diesem Tag hatte Klaus Geburtstag, der Top-Balken konnte gesetzt werden und zur Feier des Tages gab es abends ein Grillfest – mit ordentlich Fleisch (außer für unsere Vegetarier)


Es gab in der Morgenbesinnung die Geburtstagslieder für Klaus. Das Aufeinanderprallen zwischen den ethnischen Gruppen vom Vorabend wurde aufgegriffen – mit der Bitte um Geduld und Bereitschaft – viel dafür zu tun, dass man selbst nicht provoziere – und „gewaltfreie Kommunikation“ übe.

Die cultur group machte die letzten Werteplatten aus Beton und um 3.30 Uhr trafen sich alle am Regenbogen, um der Zeremonie zu folgen: Wir setzen den Top-Balken: Siyahamba … wird gesungen und man zieht um den Bogen bevor der Topbalken hochgehievt und befestigt wird. Anders als in Jericho wollen wir hier aufbauen und nicht einreißen.

Das war Klaus besonderes Geburtstagsgeschenk – einige weitere sollten folgen ZB ein 9 seitiges Fax von Mitarbeitenden seiner Firma – eine Albanische Tanzgruppe aus Bujanovac und neben dem süßen Geburtstagskuchen, den ihm Yasmin zutrug während die Gruppe sang auch noch eine fröhliches Grillfest mit Menschen aus dem Ort (die Tanzgruppe).

Klaus Birthday, the top bean was placed, the clash of the ethnic groups came to a settle and to top it off we celebrated with a BBQ-"some meat!" as the South African guys said.   
The day began with birthday songs for Klaus ("This little light of mine" and "You are special"). During the morning worship, Rolf spoke words of comfort, hope and peace after the clash/tension between the different ethnic groups. What stood out the most for us was when he said "You can not make the grass grow faster by pulling it from the rop, you must just let it grow".
To us it means that it is good to talk about issues that we would rather not talk about, but at the same time we have to accept that for some people it is better to let them heal as a process of learning and growing; that its not about growing faster but its about growing stronger. 
The day continued as normal. The Kitchen group bought a birthday cake while the last group of the culture completed the concrete plates that are going to be placed on the path leading to the rainbow. At 3:30 p.m. we all joined the working group for a special ceremony of the rainbow project: This is when everyone comes together to carry the last beam onto the top of the wooden rainbow and walk around the rainbow while singing some songs. We sang "walking in the light of God" in different languages as we walked. This was very special to Klaus’s because it was his birthday, he received it like a big gift from all of us. He received more gifts in the evening, just before our special Birthday BBQ; a very big birthday card from Germany (9 A4 papers!), a traditional dance performance from an Albanian dance group from the town Bujanovac (Klaus had to join them dancing – and it made him fun), a song produced by the people in the group and the delicious cake (more than sweet... half of the group felt sick after eating it ;)).

The day couldn’t have ended better! It was the first evening that we invited guests into our school – the albanian dance group and their friends.