
Montag, der 12. Juli 2010
Der erste Arbeitstag
Der erste richtige Programmtag ließ alle 4 Familiengruppen ihrer jeweiligen Aufgabe nachgehen.
Kitchen Group ... sorgt für das Essen und die Getränke und verantwortet das Tagebuch über den vorangegangenen Tag und die entsprchende Bilderauswahl für diese homepage.
Culture Group .... beschäftigt sich mit den Überzeugungen der GRuppenteilnehmer. Nach der Methode der "Biografiearbeit" und dem "Storytelling" schenken sich GRuppenteilnehmerInnen Erfahrungen aus ihrem Leben, an denen sie verdeutlichen welche Werte ihnen wichtig sind. Gemeinsam sucht man nach den "Werten" in den Geschichten. Dann macht sich jeder Einzelne daran, die Werte in ein einfaches Symbol zu bringen, dassnachmittags in Betontafeln gegossen wird. Diese Tafeln werden den Weg zum Regenbogen abgeben. So bilden die Werte der GruppenteilnehmerInnen den Zugang zum Hoffnungssymbol des Regenbogens.
Working groups ... sind verantwortlich für den Bau des Regenbogens im Park in Bujanovac. Aus vielen individuellen Holzstämmen wächst ein Spielgerät, das zeigt, wie Vielfalt Reichtum bedeuten kann. Beim Bauen wird deutlich, dass Menschen Schönes zusammen schaffen können, wenn sie ein gemeinsames Ziel haben.
Für die Zaungäste des Projektes gibt es viele Fragen, die in interessanten Gesprächen beantwortet werden.
Es ist bei diesem Projekt besonders, dass Jugendlichen direkt vom Ort teilnehmen. Sie werden nach ihren "Neuen Freunden" gefragt und präsentieren stolz Deutsche, Südafrikaner und die Polin, die gekommen sind um Gemeinsam etwas auf die Beine zu stellen.

Allerdings ist das Wetter so heiß, dass es abends dringend eine Abkühlung geben muß. Zum Glück gibt es dafür das öffentliche Schwimmbad, in dem wir täglich Gast sind.
Dann geht es zum Abendprogramm in die Schule der Albanischen Minderheit in Serbien, in der wir hausen dürfen.
Nach dem Abendessen gibt es immer Programm. Am ersten Abend berichtet Ellen Glissmann über die AWO Bremerhaven, die im Auftrag von Schüler Helfen Leben Arbeit mit Jugendzentren in Serbien, Kosovo und Mazedonien orbganisiert. Diese Arbeit ist überkonfessionell, multiethnisch und multinational und passt zum Regenbogenprojekt, weil es um positive Zusammenarbeit über alle Grenzen hinweg geht und weil es um Jugendliche geht, die ihre Verantwortung für die Zukunft erkennen.


This morning we woke up really early to the sound of the vuvuzela. At eight o'clock we went to the meeting on the first floor of our school building and we spoke about the things that we were going to do that day. After breakfast the four different family groups (two working groups, one kitchen and oneculture group) took their own ways that were made up previously.
Our family called "foreigners" was that day working group. We took a way to the park were we started to dig holes in the ground for the foundation. We had a litte problem, because all logs were marked with letters but they were on the back of the logs. We couldn't see them and we had to take "all" of the logs out, so we could find all the A and B logs which we needed to build the basic construction, which looks like two really big leaned A's. The guys in the back of the stock had to do a really difficult job, because they had to ballance over all of the logs in the stock. After we took almost all the marked logs out, we were able to figure out which one's we had to carry to the park where we were bulding the rainbow playground. The construction area was about one hundred metres away from the stock so we had to carry all the haevy logs (we were all guessing that the logs wighted about 155,6 kg ☺) on our shoulders to the constuction area. The funny thing about the carrying was: we had to move the logs over the busy road and everybody who passed us made a funny face, for the reason of the long logs which were as long as the road was wide, we had to use our hands to stop the passing cars, because there were no traffic lights ;-). When we finished carrying logs, people still had to go back to the stock to get things that we realized that were missing. Now as we moved all the necessary stuff over to the construction area, we were able to start building the two A's laying on the ground. So as we were building the A's we all had to screw, drill and our chef had to saw kind of little wide V into the logs to provide a better connection. Furthermore, there was kind of a seprated group which were repairing benches. As they took of the old bars and screwed new ones to the already excisting poles. We built seven of those. It was a nice feeling working, because it felt like we were on some kind of stage where everybody can join. Different culture groups satteled down in Bujanovac came by to watch what we were doing and even some of the people who were passing by wanted to help. Even one guy bought us three drills and something to drink what we all really appreciated.

All of the sudden the sky started to become cloudy and we all hoped that it would not start to rain. But as we were continuing bulding the
rainbow playground it started raining. As it was raining the kitchen group came and told us to move to the youth center and have lunch there. Three "workers" had to stay back on the construction area to keep an eye on the equipment and stuff. Those three people had lunch in the rain under some tree. After lunch the sun came back out and we started working again, so almost everybody were swetting and as we gave hugs to each other we were sticking to each other. Some time later that afternoon, we started raising up the construction fance. All four families came to the rainbow playgournd to look what we did so far. We cleaned up the rest of the equipment and put it into the van.
Also the
culture group
did some work. They discussed about values wich make people decide what they do and what they beleive - by drawing and telling stories from their lifes. The values will be transformed into building creating of concrete plates. On the plates there will be symbols of the individual values: the culture goup drew some sketches ۞  ۝. Afterwards they put little pieces of ceramic on the sketch and put concrete on top of it. The individual symbols of the rainbowpeople will cover the way to the rainbow in the park. So the way to the rainbow leads over the values of the individual participants.
At 4 pm we all met at the rainbow and presented what we had been doing that day and we sang our song
I'm special ♫*.
Since we all sweatted, we walked over to the pool which was totally empty, because they reservated it for our groups☺.All of us had a bunch of fun playing in the water, jumping over towels into the water, playing with the ball or taking (really) cold showers.
kitchen group left about an hour before the rest of the groups in order to prepare the supper. They also prepared something special
. As we all sat down at the tables they sang their prepared song. It went like this with a guitarr in the background: Yeah ladys and gentlemen, we have something special for you tonight (someone opened up the lids and waved the air over to the desks and everybody went like ahhh yeaa nice... and the members of the dinner band started singing Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner ­Dinner... it went from quietly to really loud, like a rocking rockband. After that we all had a nice dinner. For dinner we had potatos with different souces like vegetables and some onion meat souce. Furtheron we had
 the night meeting.

Ellen (from AWO Bremerhaven) and Jenny (an external evaluator of SHL -Schüler Helfen Leben)  told us something about their background and how they came here and why they like the work. They informed us about their organisation, which they are working for, when it was founded and how the organisation get it's money for all the programms they are doing.
The first time it came clear to our minds that we are staying in an area where it had been war only 15 years ago.  And we realized that there are still organisations (NGOs) busy dealing with the effects of that war.
Some of us were asking questions about Elli´s and Jenny´s lifes,about their first jobs and so on. When they finished presenting the organizations they are working for, we all sang the song
Mercy is Falling
At the point where the song ended the youth free time started. Everbody went donwstairs, while doing that everbody told eachother how well he or she did that day☺!  Downstairs the whole group was playing games in a chair circle. We played a bunch of games like
"To all my friends who.... ",  "Eye blinking", "Sitting on each other's knees", Mura Muraba" ?????????????????????????  At some point everyone became so tired that we all went to bed, which we really had to do since it was allready quarter passed one. So everybody went to bed and fell asleep really quick.   
          *I am special,             I am special,             all my friends tell me so,             my mommy and my daddy,             and God says so.              I am special,             I am special,             from my head to my toes,             every single part of me is special,             yes it is.