
Sonntag, der 11. Juli 2010
Ankunft und erster Tag
Der Morgen danach!
Nach unserer ersten "komfortablen" Nacht in der Grundschule von Bujanovac, trafen wir uns alle zum gemeinsamen Frühstück. Obwohl wir bis 10.00Uhr schlafen konnten, waren einige noch sehr müde. Danach trafen wir uns in unseren "Gruppenraum", um einiges zu besprechen und uns durch Spiele näher kennen zu lernen. Klaus und Rolf erzählten der Gruppe wichtige Informationen über das Regenbogen-Projekt und was auf uns allen in den nächsten Wochen zukommen wird. Anschließend wurde unsere Gruppe in vier "Family-Groups" eingeteilt. Nun war es an der Zeit Bujanovac zu erkunden und eine Orientierung im Wirr-Warr an Straßen und kleinen Gassen zu bekommen. Alle Gruppen machten sich auf, den Park zu erreichen, auf dem der Regenbogen stehen wird. Unsere vier "Families" benutzen unterschiedliche Wege. Wir dokumentieren die Wege mit Fotos. Dort angekommen "bauten" wir einen menschlichen Regenbogen, der unsere Verschiedenheit vereint. Am Nachmittag marschierten alle zum Schwimmbad, wir kühlten unsere gefühlte 38°C Körpertemperatur langsam ab. Es wurde gegessen, die Sportler unter uns versuchten sich am Volleyballspiel und der ein oder andere Sonnenbrand war vorprogrammiert.Unsere Kitchengroup bestand an diesem Tage aus unseren "Leadern"!!! Sie bereiteten uns ein leckeres Abendessen vor. Es gab Reis und Gemüse. Kurzes Feedback dazu: Es war sehr scharf! 21.00Uhr mussten wir uns trotz des Fußballfinales in Südafrika noch einmal in unseren Family-Groups zusammenfinden, um für diese geeignete Namen zu finden( unterdrückte oder ehemals unterdrückte ethnische Volksgruppen) : "People of Colour", "Kweve Kweve", "Gypsy" und "Maori". Nach "getaner" Arbeit gab es noch einen kurzen Film über  das Regenbogenprojekt 2005 in Südafrika. Wir ließen den Abend gemeinsam während des Finales chillig ausklingen! That's it! We got this...=)  

German group:
The whole German Rainbow group met at thursday evening in Langenlipsdorf at the wood factory. And Marta from Poland already joined us. We had a nice BBQ.  At 8:30 a.m. in the next morning we started our big journey to serbia with three buses and a car. It was very hot outside - and also inside of the cars! The German group traveled 12 hours through Czech Republic, Slovakia and than we entered Hungary. We slept one night in the beautiful capital Budapest, after walking through the centre. Early in the next morning we took our stuff to the cars and continued our journey. It was very hot again! We arrived at Bujanovac after more than 12 hours at 9 p.m. The serbian and the south african group was allready waiting for us. 

Marigona (Serbia) :
I am from Bujanoc, I study in high school ,,Sezai Suzzoi" 4th grade. My mother toungue is albanian language. The way of living here isn´t hard, because it is a small town and have small problems!My hometown is multinational, and I like it - it´s good when different cultures are mixed.

Danijel (Macedonia):
I´m a student of social work from Dortmund. Now I live in Kumanovo, Macedonia and travel to Bujanovac, Serbia and sometimes Kosovska Kamenica, to do my practice in the frame of my study. I participate in the Project, calling "Livinig Together" since March 2010 an I´ll stay till the end of this month (July 2010). It´s a nice, interesting and important work - and I´ve made a lot of friendships and good experience with collegues, with the visitors in the Youthcenters and with people on the streets. I work most of the times in Bujanovac.

Milena (Kosovo):
I´m 22 years old. I´m from Silovo near to Gilane. In my village only Serbian people live. I take part in this project because I can meet new people from differents country and differents cultures.   Danilo (Serbia):I am 18 years old. I am from Presevo, a town near to Bujanovac. My mother toungue is Serbian. In my town 3 ethnic groups are living : Serbian, a lot of Albanian and Romas. Even we have different cultures we don't have big problems and we live nice.

Xoliso (South Africa):
An exciting and yet a very nerve racking jurney saw three South Africans- two africans from Johannesberg and one german from Durban. We met at the Oliver Thambo international airport and that is where we took off for Serbia, a very long and tidious flight. It took just about four hours from Belgrade to get to our final destination in Bujanovac. Little did we know that we were going to be the only black people in that whole city. Having come two weeks earlier before the rest of the Rainbow group, we worked and slept at the youth center (AWO). A very interesting two weeks  experience for us because everyone we saw wanted to meet us, most of them have never seen black people before, except on television. At first it was very intimidating for us because we were not use to having people staring at us and following almost everywhere where we went. But after understanding the fact that they dont usually see black people around their nabour-hood made us more relaxed. The Rainbow group arrived on the second saturday where we all joined together- the group from Kosovo and Bujanovac at "Naim Frasheri", thats the Albanian school where we are going to spend two weeks. And together we went to the hotel which is about 15 minutes away to meet the German and Poland group. A very exciting time as we met our family for the next coming three weeks.   

Sunday 11.07.2010
The day after the night before- our first night together.First time we see each other with sleepy faces and hurting backs... A homowous sight as we complained. At 10 a.m. we ate breakfast together. Starting it with "Thank you Lord for Giving us food". After Breakfast we meet upstairs (our meeting place) where we played some games - to get everybody comfortable at the same time, to introduce ourself to each other. A short while after that we got an introduction about what the rainbow project is and what it is about. After separating into our "Family-Groups"- 4 main groups- one team walked to the pool and the others walked in different direction but to the same meetingplace which was the park where the rainbow is going to be built. We took pictures as references of our different directions and when we got to the park we took another "picture" of us building a human rainbow.We got our bathrobes and walked to the pool, staying there to swim, playing volleyball, relax and have fun and lunch. Between 6 and 7 everybody walked back to the school and at 7 we had dinner (rice with vegetable - it was really spicy! ;P) Till 9 p.m. we had some freetime, then meet again to find names for the family groups. The name had to be an ethnic group which is or was oppressed - "People of Colour", "Kweve Kweve", "Gypsy" and "Maori". At the end of the session we watched a short "Movie-Clip"about the rainbow camp 2005 in South Africa. The day ended with a soccer game - Spain vs.Netherland. Spain taking the world cup.